Monday, October 17, 2011

Musings on....creating a website

I used to be an art teacher, and now I am not.  It has left me with a little whole in my heart and I miss it terribly.  The problem is that the elementary schools here do not have regular art classes.  We moved here and I found myself without a job.  I'm on the sub list, but I rarely get called.  I also volunteer in the classroom and try to be involved with the arts as much as possible.  I do miss working with the kiddos.

Before I taught art, I worked for a small publishing company and did some commercial photography. I am getting back into the business.  I was a bit hesitant at first, as I though that maybe the town was a bit saturated with photographers.  I changed my mind, as there also seems to be plenty of room for one more dentist or chiropractor!

So here I am.  I love to take pictures and always have.

I worked in a camera shop while I was in high school.  I was ably to buy my first SLR while I was there.  It was a Ricoh and I loved it!  The store was a great place to learn about photography, cameras, film, paper and a great place to learn from the photographers that would frequent there.

In college, I was a studio art major.I majored in sculpture and also took several photography courses.  The darkroom was my home.
What a surprise to come back for for college reunions and find that only one darkroom exists and that the rest of the classrooms are filled with macs!

So, now I am trying to develop my website.  I've gone through 7 different logos, several different color schemes, with music and without, etc.  I wonder if I was designing this for someone else, if it would be so difficult.  I just cant make up my mind, and when I do...I question it.  I'm afraid to publish it, but I think I'm getting close.

Stay tuned........

Friday, September 2, 2011

Musings on...Hurricane Irene in Vermont

Yes we are!
Dear Blog,

Forgive me for I have....neglected to write, muse, share...whatever.  Like I have said in the past, I'm not very skilled at this blog thing. I realize that you have to carve out the time and sit down and write!  So many months have past, and some many things have happened!  I will never remember half of it.

What compels me to sit down a write today is Irene.  Irene came and the East Coast braced for it.  The Coast was prepared, the news crew headed there, all eyes on the coast and Hurricane Irene.  What no one expected was the damage the rain caused in the other states.  Flooding was insane, and many towns all over NY, VT, NH, NJ CT were affected.  Vermont was where I lived before moving to the Cascades, and Vermont is where family and friends are, and Vermont got CRUSHED.  I have been watching videos, photos, news stories and I ham so deeply saddened and disturbed by everything.  I wish I was there to lend a hand in some shape or form.

I started out as an art teacher in Vermont and traveled to many little towns in the district.I taught at Winhall, Jamaica, Wardsboro, Brookline,  and Dover.  All have been struck by the rising waters.  Families that I knew have lost their homes.  It is so sad.  Jamaica is the first placed I lived and it breaks my heart to see the destruction.   I also lived in Chittenden, and that area has also been hit so hard.  Families that have been stranded because of roads that have washed away, are hiking to school.  I am so proud of them.

The history that has been washed away.  Covered bridges, 200 year old homes!  So very sad. This is quote from Calvin Coolidge, after the floods of 1927.  This makes me feel somewhat better.  It make me feel strong, and I need to be reminded of the strength of Vermont. 

Vermont is a state I love... I love Vermont because of her hills and valleys, her scenery and invigorating climate, but most of all, I love her because of her indomitable people. They are a race of pioneers who almost impoverished themselves for love of others. If ever the spirit of liberty should vanish from the rest of the Union, it could be restored by the generous share held by the people in this brave little State of Vermont." -- Calvin Coolidge, after the floods of 1927.

I know that if I was there I would be moving on.  rebuilding, going on with my life.  I think that because I am far away I am becoming a bit too obsessive with the news and tragedy.  People are strong, the communities are supportive, Vermont will rebuild, and this workhorse of a state shall rebound!

  Here are some of the incredible videos and photos.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Musings on

Saw some of those shows I was talking about.

Yonder Mountain String Band,  G Love and Special Sauce, Franchot Tone and last night, The Decemberists.

Yonder was a fun show.   I was subbing the next morning, and I didn't stay for the whole show.
I was rather surprised at the amount of very young children there.  The show didn't get going till 10:00!

We were right up front at the G Love show.  We got there early, and if you were one of the first 50 to buy something, you got to meet him afterwards.  We had our picture taken with him, but nobody's camera took a decent shot.  There was an incredibly drunk girl at the show.  She kept barging to the front, kept touching the band's stuff on stage and got kicked out after trying to go backstage.  We ere then walking back to our car and noticed her absolutely stumbling to her car.  Four mothers in a you think we were about to let her drive.  I jumped out and told her to put her window down.  We said that she wasn't driving.  She was shocked, embarrassed but very compliant.  We got a cab to take her to Redmond, and felt so bad when the only thing she took with her was a box of diapers.  While we were getting in the cab, the roadies were taking stuff the bus.  They though we were lingering around to see G Love!

The Decemberists put on a great show.  Jenny, the accordion player, was diagnosed with cancer last month.  They were not sure if she was going to be able to make it this weekend, but she was feeling well enough.
Rainn Wilson came onto the stage pretending to be Colin Melloy.  It was pretty funny.

Rainn Wilson as Colin Melloy

I wish the girls had decided to come, they would have loved it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Musings on...local music

Musings on...going to a show

Black Strap

The last time I posted, I talked about the music coming to town.  I did miss the Galactic show, but I did get tickets to GLove and YMSB.  The fun thing is that now I have people to go with!  I found some ladies from the Mt B nordic lodge that will be going to Yonder, and a huge group from Groove Yoga!  Fun Fun!  Usually, I end up going to these things alone, It's nice to find a group with similar musical tastes!

On Saturday we had a 5:15 soccer game.  After the game we decided to go to Parilla Grill to get a wrap and listen to BlackStrap.  It was a lot of fun and the girls enjoyed themselves, as they listened to music and constructed "art" from the leftover tinfoil!  I enjoyed their "Love and Lies" song that was an ode to the good old ski report.

It was quite amusing.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Musings on...upcoming concerts

I'm so excited!

Music that I like is coming to town!

We have Yonder Mountain String Band, Galactic and G Love at the Domino Room, and The Decemberists and Death Cab For Cutie at the Old Mill.

Yea...gotta get my tickets!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Musings on....being a hostess

starfish earrings

Well, the teaching carer has not exactly panned out for me since we moved to Oregon.  I have had the occasional sub job, but I'm finding myself slipping farther away from the schools.  I need to renew my license...and I have not taken one course or taken the Praxis test.  It  was so easy before.  It's tough starting over. 

My friend just got involved with Stella & Dot and has got me involved as well.  I will now enter the world of hostess parties.  I have attended quite a few in my day, but never have hosted.  I told myself if I was ever going to do this it would have to be something fun.  No Acai juices, or kitchen wares.  Jewelry is fun and hopefully it will be something that I enjoy!   Don't  get me wrong...I love teaching art.  I truly hope that I will find myself in a situation where I can do it again, but in the mean time, I need to do something new.  I have found that I have really isolated myself, and I hope that by doing this, I can meet more people and be a bit more social.
sporting some bling!

The artist is me does struggle with this decision. I have always made jewelry, but have enjoyed giving them away as gifts.  I would never be able to make this same jewelry for the price .  To counteract the commercialism, I do have an Etsy store.  So far just my Pin Cushion Peeps...but I do hope to add more items.  The name of my store is
Moonberry....after I book I wrote and illustrated...but have never been able to get published.  Another thing that I would like to revisit.


Right now...I have become a Stella & Dot Stylist.  Let the parties begin!

some of my samples

Friday, February 18, 2011

Musings on....being back

Well hello Blog!

I haven't written in such a long time.

Since Christmas, life has been a bit of a whirlwind.
Moved out of our rental, and into our new house. I had that blasted rotator cuff surgery.  It's been almost 4 weeks in a sling.  I am ready to get out of it and be back doing things!  I really miss my Yoga. 

Needless to say, the house is not quite where I would like it to be.  Hard to do things with one arm.  Still need to figure out furniture placement, area rugs, mirrors and pictures.

I have not been taking pictures, or crafting or doing much of anything!  Time to get motivated!
I just signed up to be a Stella & Dot stylist.  Not sure if the area is flooded with them, but it's time to try something new.  I'm excited!  Now I just need to host a trunk show!

I'm back!