Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Musings on ...music

Saw some of those shows I was talking about.

Yonder Mountain String Band,  G Love and Special Sauce, Franchot Tone and last night, The Decemberists.

Yonder was a fun show.   I was subbing the next morning, and I didn't stay for the whole show.
I was rather surprised at the amount of very young children there.  The show didn't get going till 10:00!

We were right up front at the G Love show.  We got there early, and if you were one of the first 50 to buy something, you got to meet him afterwards.  We had our picture taken with him, but nobody's camera took a decent shot.  There was an incredibly drunk girl at the show.  She kept barging to the front, kept touching the band's stuff on stage and got kicked out after trying to go backstage.  We ere then walking back to our car and noticed her absolutely stumbling to her car.  Four mothers in a car...do you think we were about to let her drive.  I jumped out and told her to put her window down.  We said that she wasn't driving.  She was shocked, embarrassed but very compliant.  We got a cab to take her to Redmond, and felt so bad when the only thing she took with her was a box of diapers.  While we were getting in the cab, the roadies were taking stuff the bus.  They though we were lingering around to see G Love!

The Decemberists put on a great show.  Jenny, the accordion player, was diagnosed with cancer last month.  They were not sure if she was going to be able to make it this weekend, but she was feeling well enough.
Rainn Wilson came onto the stage pretending to be Colin Melloy.  It was pretty funny.

Rainn Wilson as Colin Melloy

I wish the girls had decided to come, they would have loved it.