Friday, September 24, 2010

Musings...on early mornings

The new alarm clock

My youngest daughter is not a morning person.   She can be quite the ornery in the dawn hours. 
Needless to say, these early school mornings have bee a wee bit difficult.  I am hesitant to venture into her room in fear of her wrath!

I had to search for a new alarm clock for her.  Something that she couldn't just press snooze and go back to sleep. Something that prevent me coming upstairs to wake her.
I found an alarm clock that actually has a "bed shaker" that you put under your pillow. It emits a loud vibrating sound and shakes your pillow.   That gave her quite the shock the first morning! 

I think it's something that may actually work for her.

Three days, and I have not had to go into her room.

We will see how this experiment will go!

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