Saturday, June 5, 2010

Musings on.....a Breedlove Guitar

My new guitar
My love for music has really payed off!  Last week I attended the Horse Feathers show and this weekend I went to the Helio Sequence.  I was entered in a raffle for a Breed Love Guitar.....and I won!  The crazy thing was that I forgot my Horse Feathers ticket and I was so bummed.  The promoter gave everyone ten minutes to go to the ticket office(if they paid online) and get their ticket printed so they would be able to enter.  I was sitting second row center, with no one on either side of me.  I had the strangest feeling when they were drawing the tickets.  I was filled with such a tingling feeling and I just knew that my name was going to be called!  They called it and mispronounced my name... of course!  So psyched!  I was smiling through out the whole concert!  I had gone alone, so I had to share my joy with complete strangers, but I didn't mind.  I could not wait to get home and play it.  It sounds soooooo good!  Finally...a guitar that feels right!  I still don't know what to do with the Goya.  They stopped making them in 1996.   I should probably hold onto it.  I wish Paget would start playing.

The show was great.  Empty Space Orchestra was very interesting and Helio Sequence put on a tight show!

Helio Sequence
Empty Space Orchestra

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