Sunday, November 28, 2010

Musings on ....a bum knee

This is the post where I whine about my knee. 
I am just so tired of it hurting and limiting me from the activities that I love to do.
I ski, and skiing is pretty much our life. Unfortunately, skiing is becoming increasingly difficult.

I have gone to physical therapy.  I have had a cortisone shot. I have a new knee brace.  I have done the series of Hyalgon shots and I have upped my dosage of Ibuprofen. 
I was feeling pretty good until I tripped on some steps in the garage and "tweaked" my knee. 

Now its huge again and totally painful.  I have tried skiing these past three days, and it has never been as bad as this.  I was actually grunting and barking in pain as I skied down the hill.  I don't want to think what the people on the lift were thought of me! I was absolutely exhausted after a couple of runs. The number of runs didn't get me, but from the energy of trying to keep it all together and work through the pain just killed me.
I even tried my yoga class tonight and just about cried!

The doc said I was 10 years away from knee replacement.  If I have to go through the next ten years dealing with this...I don't know what to do.  I hate the idea of taking so much Advil.

Okay...done whining. 

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