Sunday, November 21, 2010

Musings... on The Grandparent Texting Project

The Grandparent Texting Project

Yes, that's right...The Grandparent Texting Project.

Recently my mother told me that my Dad was feeling a bit bummed that he was not getting as many texts as she was.
Don't you love parents with Blackberrys!

Texting away!

My daughters and I came up with the idea to text a question to him everyday.  It has been so much fun!

The List

We made up a list of questions to ask,  and then put them up on the refrigerator.
Every morning before school, they each pick a question to ask him.
In the afternoon, when they turn their phones back on...they get a surprise!
It's been so much fun picking questions and the answers are so interesting!

My girls also get to learn something about their grandparents,.... and I do too!
The questions range from the ridiculous to serious.

Here are some examples of the questions and the answers:

Do you like to dance?
Sure do  - but only with gorgeous blondes like your grandmother and you!

What is under you bed right now?

Who were your childhood heroes?
My father and Syl Apps (hockey Player)

What is your favorite Cheese?
15 year old chedder
My mother used to also make me brown sugar and butter sandwiches and peanut butter and cheese sandwiches.  How bad is that?
 Pretty bad!

Are you allergic to any food?
No known allergies, but I sure dislike pickled beets.

Just an example of the fun we are having!  This has been a wonderful way to keep in touch with loved ones so far away!
I recommend this project to anyone who has a grandparent who uses a cell phone!

My daughter was so surprised when he even said OMG is his last text!

She replied and said:
OMG! I cant believe you just said OMG!

He replied:
Am I cool or what?

Yep...pretty cool

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